Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, wherever in the world you are. How does it get even better? What else is possible?
What can we look forward to this week that might just change our lives and open up our awareness and our consciousness, and bring new levels and ways of being into this world?
I wanted to speak about something that is quite dear to me. It's a concept that I remember we spoke of a lot when I was a student of Kabbalah. There was this beautiful, beautiful phrase we used to teach when I was teaching kids. The phrase was, “Do you want to be right or do you want the light?”
The light represents fulfillment, happiness, joy, satisfaction, everything that you could want. Oftentimes, we are so busy being right or wanting to be right, or proving our need to be right, that we miss the opportunity for the light. I'm finding right now, as we go through these interesting times in our lives, this may be one of the biggest virtues that we all get the opportunity to learn, because everyone is going to think that they are right. Everyone believes that they're right, and you believe you're right. So what do you do? You have been in these situations before. You come into a space in which you immediately perceive that you have to prove yourself. You recognize that there's going to be resistance, there's going to be futility, and there's going to be points of views that you're avoiding and defending for whatever reason. How do you meet this space?
I would like to invite every single one of us to join me really, really making this declaration to myself. This is going to really be the mantra that you pull up when you find yourself in a conversation or position with somebody who has a point of view that does not align with yours. Instead of arguing, instead of persevering through it and proving your point, stop and just ask, “What will it take for me to connect to my source and my light?”
At the end of the day, does it really matter? Does it really matter who's right and who's wrong? This is why we have war in the world. Because one side is proving or trying to prove that they are right. And so is the other side, everybody is trying to prove that they're right. Truth be told, the truth is relative. Because in some far off galaxy, everybody's right. Nobody's wrong.
Being the space of allowance is one of the most incredible virtues that we can have. Allowance is the opportunity to say, “Okay, thank you. Interesting point of view. They have that point of view." You don't need to say that to their face, but you can say to yourself, “Okay, interesting point of view. They have that point of view", and it will help you to release some of that energy that's inside of you that anger, that frustration, whatever it is, that gets you locked up. We want to avoid that. We want to avoid that in our bodies as well. So go ahead and ask yourself, "how much more light can we connect to? How much more light can we receive in our lives, in the world, and how much more light is available to us just outside of our need to be right?"
The following are downloads that I received in order to help deepen this experience and connect with the light within. If you feel so inclined, allow yourself to receive them simply by saying "yes."
Would you like to have the creator's definition of allowance and you know how to, when to, where to that it's safe for you to be an allowance of all people, all points of views and all things. Just because you're in allowance doesn't mean that you align and agree quite frankly, it's the opposite. It means you're stepping away from avoiding and defending.
Would you like to know what it feels like to trust yourself? And you know how to, when to, where to and that it's safe for you to trust yourself? And that from the space of you trusting yourself, you allow the universe to guide you into the lightest direction possible.
Would you like to know what it feels like to follow your lightness, to follow the energy of that which is a contribution to you? Would you like to know what it feels like, looks like, tastes like, smells like, it is in every single cell of your body. To have the courage to be brave to know that you are brave and to know that you can acknowledge your bravery, no matter what, you don't need external forces to test your bravery.
Would you like to know what it feels like how to be brave, when to be brave, where to be brave and that it's safe for you to be brave? And would you like to know what it feels like and you know how to, when to, where to and that it's safe for you to walk away to let go to trust that everything happens for a reason?
Would you like to know what it feels like to trust your inner guidance system?
Would you like to know what it feels like to have empathy that you know how to, when to, where to and that it's safe for you to step into the shoes of those who you may not agree with? That you know how to and it's okay to that you got to learn a different perspective. You got to experience a different way of being. Again, not because you have to take it on or not because you have to align and agree with it, but just to be in allowance.
Would you like to know what it feels like to be an allowance of yourself?
